Turkey – Cengiz Topel Primary School Volunteering Club
Cengiz Topel Primary School Volunteering Club Part 2. It is quite hot in Eskişehir in the summer, so our students feed animals around them with water and food.
Cengiz Topel Primary School Volunteering Club Part 2. It is quite hot in Eskişehir in the summer, so our students feed animals around them with water and food.
Experimental mathematics on the project “Think and create your own hobby” – Club “Sciences”. Students from the 6th grade participated, led by Mr. Yulian Kovachev, as well as Mrs. Maria Topalova, coordinator of the project for Bulgaria. The children presented their research and projects related to experimental mathematics. As well as self-created models and presentations. … Ler mais
Mr. Gosho Goev, physics teacher at the University, Department of Physics, presented to our youngest students interesting experimental show, related to water, force, movement, attraction, etc. Under his guidance, students conducted experiments and learned many interesting and new things about physical phenomena and the world around us. We thank Mr. Goev for this experimental show … Ler mais
Volunteering Club Activities Part 1: Cengiz Topel Primary School students read books for their families and relatives.
In this year summer vacation programme our students learned two new painting techiniques: one with a balloon and the other with bubble wrap. They made a great number of masterpieces.
In this summer vacation programme our pupils learned different ways to see and “produce” colour. They catched herbs and flowers to extract pigments and they created rainbows.
Pupils chose books from their homes and bring them to school to share with their colleagues stories and experiences. They used our outdoor space to read in the nature.
International Mud Day was celebrated on June 29 and, as such, an activity was prepared for daycare and preschool students with the aim of connecting as an earth element. We associated the story “The Color Monster” to create small monsters made of mud and make a mural, based on the tale, with elements of nature.
Our pupils have made an hike in order to clean and beautificate the area around our school. Students learned about environmental protection, collected waste and demonstrated and applied their knowledge of recycling.
Practical activities integrated in the STEAM methodology were prepared, aimed at integrated learning, based on projects and which promotes the formation of children in various areas of knowledge and life. In addition to intellectual preparation, several fundamental values are also worked on, which will help the exercise of citizenship, in the present and future. The … Ler mais