Jelgavas 6 vidusskola


Think and Create your own Hobbies - Jelgavas 6. Vidusskola

Our school, Jelgavas 6. vidusskola, has about 800 pupils of different nationalities and religions. At school work 65 teachers.
We study together and we are very friendly. Our pupils feel safe in our multinational school. The pupils of our school speak Russian, Latvian and English languages. One of the most important educational aims is to help a young person to develop into an open-minded individual who will be able to accept and appreciate different people and be able to communicate with them effectively.
We have pupils of different ages in our school from 5 to 19 years old: some pre-school groups (5-6 years old pupils), as well as primary, basic and secondary school pupils. Because of this, our school is rich in traditions and we are proud of our school.
We teach our pupils different subjects, but during the lessons, we also speak about many other things, we tell them about different countries and their traditions, we teach our pupils how to react in new situations, we teach them to be tolerant and understanding. Together with our pupils, we participate in different international competitions. For example, we participated in
the international essay competition ’’What does it mean to be tolerant?’’. The pupils of our school participated in the following
international projects: “Challenges in Schools”, organized by British Council, Comenius ”Living Together”, Erasmus+ ‘’Effective Communication-Successful Future Life”. We think that our pupils participated in them very activly and enjoyed them very much.

Think and Create your own Hobbies - Jelgavas 6. Vidusskola
Think and Create your own Hobbies - EU Logo

With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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