107 Primary School "Khan Krum"


Think and Create your own Hobbies - 107th Primary School "Khan Krum"

107th primary school is a municipal school in Sofia. Our children, around 660, are 6-13 years old. There are 50 teachers, a psychologist and the headmaster. Extracurricular activities include science, art, spatial orientation, healthy eating, cooking classes, drama club, culture club, historical club, Maths club, football, and dance classes. Our school is proud of the achievements of our students in various competitions. Our students are awarded a number of medals. The participation in this project will give them an additional incentive to increase their knowledge of Ecology, Language, ICT, Maths, Art and this project will increase their social skills and friendly attitude.

Think and Create your own Hobbies - 107th Primary School "Khan Krum"
Think and Create your own Hobbies - EU Logo

With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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