Cengiz Topel Ilkokulu


Think and Create your own Hobbies - Cengiz Topel Ilkokulu

Cengiz Topel Primary school is located in the center of Eskişehir. There are 18 primary school classes and 4 preschool classes in the school with 520 students and 28 teachers. There are a library, a conference hall and a large garden where students can do many outdoor activities. The academic and social success of the school makes it one of the most preferred ones. The school offers students maths, science, and language education classes as well as art and craft studies, sports, and drama.
The mission of the school is to bring up children as humanistic and universal individuals who question and has the desire to discover. Regarding 21 st century skills, students are respected as individuals who has his/her own ability to create, innovate, and learn. They are taught to search for the truth and hold on to their decisions. They are motivated to think, design and apply to real life. To avoid using too many computer games and computer addiction, which is considered to be one of the most widespread diseases of the 21 st Century, the students are motivated to do sports activities. There is a soccer team at school. Additionally, many of the students take swimming and tennis classes. The school has many awards in various competencies eg.: Chess tournaments, football tournaments, story telling,
swimming, etc.
Projects are vital Cengiz Topel Primary school. International eTwinning projects as well as national and local projects such as “ Healthy Nutrition” and “Clean School” are carried out every year. Besides, the school has a Bronze e-safety label.
Teachers are active eTwinners. Various eTwinning projects are carried out each year.

Think and Create your own Hobbies - Cengiz Topel Ilkokulu
Think and Create your own Hobbies - EU Logo

With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

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