Think and Create your own Hobbies - Edifacoop

Edifacoop is an educational and social co-operative institution located in a rural environment that contrasts with an industrial and commercial zone, a few kilometers from the city of Braga.

Throughout its existence it has continuously evolved: expansion of physical spaces (interior and exterior); improvement of services provided at all levels, enabling the development of several activities and implementation of diverse projects, as it has a Botanical and Zoological Park with native plant and animal species.

It has about 40 employees and 250 pupils who develop an Educational and Curriculum Project based on Education for Citizenship (Education for values), favoring the integral formation of all who constitute this institution.

The Plan of Activities, approved at the beginning of each school year, comprises a significant number of activities which, articulated with the Educational Project and the Curriculum Project, instill a whole dynamic of collaborative work; a strong commitment to their execution and fulfillment, an extreme dedication, contributing to the enrichment of all stakeholders and their projection in the environment, with particular focus on families.

It is an institution sought by all social strata and by people from not only the surrounding rural villages but also from the city, who idealize a more complete space for the education / training of their pupils. The welcoming, accompaniment, committed and coherent work of all employees attracts an increasing number of students to the institution that favors rigor, work, tolerance, sympathy and smile.

Think and Create your own Hobbies - Edifacoop
Think and Create your own Hobbies - EU Logo

With the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.