Portugal – Environmental education

Think and Create your Own Hobbies - Portugal - Environmental education

The culture of waste separation and recycling are presented in students daily and school life. In our school, we have a farm, so the produced food waste in our school and in their houses is given to our animals. Students are alerted to the importance of environmental preservation through regular workshops and activities (walks, quizzes, … Ler mais

Portugal – Traditional Crafts

Through some videos, games and quizzes, pupils got to know Minho Traditional Handicrafts and local artisans. https://puzzel.org/en/jigsaw/play?p=-MRyW6VyNyQbry9lO_SE https://puzzel.org/pt/slidingpuzzle/play?p=-MRyTvItgyh25e2TSyYF https://puzzel.org/pt/jigsaw/play?p=-MRyVSoJhqFpBKYq6srr https://media.rtp.pt/zigzag/videos/museu-arte-popular-reporter-mosca/

Portugal – Housekeeping

Think and Create your Own Hobbies - Portugal - Manual and Domestic Arts Club - House Chores

During the January school break, pupils were challenged to help their parents at home and participate in the housekeeping: folding clothes, watering plants, washing dishes, making the bed, dusting down, vacuuming, etc… Then, they summed the chore’s points so they could see how much was got done.